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 Is It Fog or Dirt

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
منياوى متميز
منياوى متميز

الإسم : geschishta
الإقامة : منية سندوب
نقاط التميز : 1611
عدد المشاركات : 532
العمر : 44
العمل : مدرس
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/01/2010

Is It Fog or Dirt Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Is It Fog or Dirt   Is It Fog or Dirt I_icon_minitimeالأحد 06 يونيو 2010, 12:28 am

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True Degns

The tales of Utah's favorite Degn family.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Memorial Day

Is It Fog or Dirt IMG_1164For
Memorial day, we had a family BBQ at my aunt Amalie's house. It was the
perfect day to jump on their trampoline. Check out our air shoots :)
Is It Fog or Dirt IMG_1176
Is It Fog or Dirt IMG_1180
Is It Fog or Dirt IMG_1187
Is It Fog or Dirt IMG_1188Can you guess what type of meat this is?

Posted by
Catherine Degn

9:01 PM


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Monday, May 17, 2010

A Weekend Trip to Arches

Is It Fog or Dirt IMG_1556
Last weekend my siblings and my parents all went to Arches National
Park. Sadly, I wasn't able to go with them :(. The main reason for the
trip was to show Adam, a California native, Utah's famous landmarks.
Here are the pictures that my family took.

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Is It Fog or Dirt IMG_1522

Posted by
Catherine Degn

5:57 PM


Is It Fog or Dirt Icon18_edit_allbkg

Monday, May 10, 2010

Graduation Again

Is It Fog or Dirt 29213_10150180169365577_695945576_12217833_2019510_nI
wasn't planning on walking for my Masters degree, but my friends
convinced me to do it the week before. And I am so Very Happy that I did
walk. I learned a valuable lesson last year when I walked for my
bachelors degrees - not to wear high heals. My feet paid for that one.
Is It Fog or Dirt 29213_10150180169380577_695945576_12217836_3926279_nCheck out those sleeves and that hood. Ou la la.

Is It Fog or Dirt 29213_10150180169670577_695945576_12217873_4023820_n
Is It Fog or Dirt 29213_10150180169710577_695945576_12217878_6972953_n

Posted by
Catherine Degn

6:17 PM


Is It Fog or Dirt Icon18_edit_allbkg

Saturday, May 01, 2010

The Lone Daffodil

Is It Fog or Dirt IMG_1139The
house that I am renting has one daffodil. That is it, just one. And it
is right in the middle of the yard next to this tree. I have no idea
how it got there, but it is a pretty little flower.
Is It Fog or Dirt IMG_1140

Posted by
Catherine Degn

1:06 PM


Is It Fog or Dirt Icon18_edit_allbkg

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Utah Jazz

Is It Fog or Dirt IMG_8678A couple of weeks ago, I went with some accounting students to hear the CFO of the Utah Jazz speak.
Is It Fog or Dirt IMG_8687After the speech, we then were given a tour of the Jazz practice center. Here I am in the players' locker room.

Is It Fog or Dirt IMG_8698Then after the tour, we went to a Jazz game. It was a day full of the Utah Jazz. A very nice break from studying.

Posted by
Catherine Degn

4:39 PM


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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Mountain View

Is It Fog or Dirt IMG_1133
This is the view that my office building has. Isn't it wonderful?! I just love the mountains!

Posted by
Catherine Degn

6:25 PM


Is It Fog or Dirt Icon18_edit_allbkg

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Is It Fog or Dirt?

Is It Fog or Dirt IMG_1131The
answer is DIRT! The wind was so bad yesterday that Salt Lake valley was
engulfed in a cloud of dirt. This was what my drive home from work
looked like.

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Is It Fog or Dirt IMG_1129

Posted by
Catherine Degn

5:59 PM


Is It Fog or Dirt Icon18_edit_allbkg

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Is It Fog or Dirt Tag

Is It Fog or Dirt Icon18_wrench_allbkg


Is It Fog or Dirt Gse_multipart21164

My father is currently a ERP System Engineer at
US Synthetic, a company that he enjoys working for. He loves to go
shooting, anything that is outdoors, and his rabbit hobby

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May Lynn

Is It Fog or Dirt Gse_multipart21177

My mother is an excellent piano player and used
to be a piano teacher. She loves to sew and garden. She is also
beginning to write a book.

Is It Fog or Dirt Icon18_wrench_allbkg


Is It Fog or Dirt IMG_6369

I just graduated from the Masters of Accounting
program at the University of Utah last December, and I am currently
studying for the CPA exam. I enjoy anything outdoors, going out with
friends, and ceramics.

Is It Fog or Dirt Icon18_wrench_allbkg

Alison & Adam Clare

Is It Fog or Dirt IMG_09561

Alison (my sister) and Adam were just married on
December 20, 2008. Adam is in his 3rd year of law school at BYU, and
Alison is a junior at Utah Valley University majoring in Technical
Theater. They love anything that envolves being with eachother.

Is It Fog or Dirt Icon18_wrench_allbkg


Is It Fog or Dirt IMG_1196

My brother just graduated from high school. He is
currently serving a service mission at the Provo MTC. He loves to build
with Lego Mindstorm, play computer games, and play Magic the Gathering
card game with his friends.

About Me

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